AAI@EduHr is an authentication and authorization infrastructure of research and higher education in the Republic of Croatia. AAI@EduHr is based on the use of distributed LDAP Directories. Each institution within the research and higher education community has its own LDAP Directory where all electronic identities of users from that institution have been stored..

AAI@EduHr developed as a result of a joint project of  SRCE and CARNET, supported and financed by the Ministry of Science and Education (MZO). It has been in full production since March 1st, 2006.

SRCE managed the project and today independently hosts, maintains and enhances central services of AAI@EduHr and cares about the whole system. Additional information can be found at the official AAI@EduHr website.

AAI@EduHr provides:

  • to users, individuals: simple, safe and reliable use of all resources of the AAI@EduHr system by using a unique electronic identity supplied to users by their host institution
  • to institutions (providers of electronic identity): a safe, reliable and efficient management of electronic identities of its employees, associates and students
  • to Service Providers (Resource Providers): greater accessibility and visibility of services with simplified administration and standardized process of authentication and authorization.

The list of central services of the AAI@EduHr system:

  • Central services of AAI@EduHr: RADIUS proxy and SSO/Login servers;
  • Central information services, i.e. web servers at AAI@EduHr and eduroam.
  • Register of Directory Schemes: AAI@EduHr is based on HrEduPerson and HrEduOrg directory schemes (current valid version is 1.3.1) which describe persons or institutions in the system;
  • Register of Identity Providers: providing up-to-date information on all identity providers;
  • Register of all services available to end users: 
  • Monitoring system which ensures information on functioning of all system elements;
  • LDAP/RADIUS hosting service which enables hosting of  AAI@EduHr component for those identity providers which cannot meet the required technical standards themselves;
  • Support Center which provides:
    • the official AAI@EduHr website as a portal for support to all categories of users,
    • seminars for identity providers and service providers,
    • advice in using or implementing AAI technologies,
    • mailing lists for identity providers administrators (@email) and service providers software developers (@email),
    • User support website MojAAI@EduHr which provides end users all information about their e-identities, available resources, successful and unsuccessful logins, etc.
  • Software repository accessible through the ftp servers of SRCE (ftp://ftp.srce.hr) through which the software packages related to AAI@EduHr are distributed;

AAI@EduHr has been connected to global services eduroam and eduGAIN.

AAI@EduHr is also connected to the Croatian eIDAS node (NIAS).

SRCE has been recognized and accepted by international partners from the academic and research community as the operator of the national AAI (identity federation) and national roaming operator for eduroam in Croatia.

institutions/providers of AAI@EduHr electronic identity
services available using AAI@EduHr
electronic identities