Digital Academic Archives and Repositories - DABAR


dabar logo​​​​​DABAR (Digital Academic Archives and Repositories) is the key component of the Croatian e-infrastructure’s data layer, a system that enables all legal entities from the academic and scientific community to easily establish and maintain reliable and interoperable institutional and thematic repositories.

By establishing a repository, legal entities are provided with a reliable environment for the development and maintenance of collections of digital materials through the supported functionalities of permanent storage and dissemination of various digital objects.

SRCE has developed and systematically improves the DABAR system in cooperation with the academic and scientific community in Croatia.

In the implementation of the DABAR system, open code tools are used, which include:

  • Flexible and reliable repository solution aligned with the OAIS model (Fedora Repository)
  • Customized user interface (Drupal CMS)
  • Efficient support for indexing and searching (SOLR)
  • Framework that connects the mentioned tools (Islandora).

The DABAR system enables legal entities - repository owners to deal with content without worrying about technological challenges associated with the establishment and maintenance of the repository system. Repository owners get an installed and maintained repository solution for long-term storage and dissemination on their Internet domain.

DABAR was put into production on 17 August 2015. Architecture of the DABAR system is designed in such a way that it can support storage of a wide range of digital objects: theses and diploma theses, doctoral theses and scientific master's theses, papers published in journals and proceedings, books and chapters in books, data sets, multimedia (photos, audio, audio-visual content), educational content and other types of documents. More detailed information is available on the site Supported digital objects in DABAR.

All objects, including research data, within the DABAR system are stored in accordance with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, as follows:

  • Findable

Objects are assigned a unique permanent identifier URN:NBN upon publication. Also, all objects are described by a rich and nationally aligned set of metadata. Each repository has basic and advanced search functionality, and repository content is indexed in search engines such as Google Scholar and OpenAIRE. Repository owners can also include their repositories in various directories such as OpenDOAR or re3data. Homepage contains the central search engine for searching the contents of all repositories in the DABAR system.

  • Accessible

Object metadata are available through the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). The OAI-MPH repository interface in the DABAR system is aligned with the OpenAIRE Guidelines for institutional and thematic Repository and OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Archives.

Objects in DABAR are accessible using standard and open protocols and, among other things, enable authentication and authorization via AAI@EduHr electronic identity.

  • Interoperable

Metadata of objects stored in DABAR are available through standard schemas Dublin Core, DataCite and Metadata Object Description Schema. Data in DABAR are stored in standard and recommended formats that enable long-term data storage and easier reuse.

  • Reusable

The appropriate Creative Commons license is assigned to the data, which clearly defines the usage rights  including how and under what conditions they can be shared, processed and reused.

Anyone interested in news about the DABAR system is welcome to subscribe to the DABAR mailing list.

science and higher education institutions repositories
of published digital objects