
The possibility of connecting to the Internet using various technologies is today incorporated in most new PC's, PDA's and mobile phones. It has become customary to offer roaming services which includes accessing the network by using different devices and locations using a single electronic identity.

eduroam™ (Educational Roaming) is a roaming system created within the European association of academic and research networks - TERENA, and realized trouht the international project GÉANT.

eduroam system is directed towards enabling a wirelsess but also wired Internet access (through LAN). Due to SRCE's activities on AAI@EduHr project, Croatia is an active member of eduroam community from its very beginning.

Authentication in the eduroam system is based on 802.1x standards and on the international hierarchy of radius servers into which central servers of AAI@EduHr system are included.

Eduroam is safe, easy to use and, for the end user, completely free Internet access service. It is currently available at numerous locations in Croatia and in 36 European countries, Canada, Australia, USA, Japan and is expanding rapidly.

Aside from being a national operator and responsible for eduroam activities in Croatia, SRCE is coordinator of the European eduroam services within GÉANT network.

Additional information on eduroam service can be found on the Croatian eduroam website.

32 000
eduroam locations around the world
institutions that use eduroam
eduroamaccess points