Open science support

SRCE provides open science support services through a series of activities that include the promotion of open science principles and good practices in research data management, the organization of workshops and webinars, and the development of educational materials on the topic of open science, research data management and FAIR principles. The service also includes coordination and implementation of the activities of the Croatian Open Science Cloud (HR-OOZ) and the Croatian RDA node. 

Educational content related to research data management and open sharing of research results includes the creation of manuals as well as organization and implementation of webinars and workshops. The manual How to manage research data and recordings of two webinars Data set entry and storage in DABAR and How to organize and manage research data in a high-quality way are currently available. Furthermore, a series of webinars and workshops were held, the topic of which was dedicated to the management of research data:

As part of the service, online courses are developed not only for the academic and scientific community, but also more broadly, which are available on the LMS system for e-learning in the category Platforms, tools and good practices in the research life cycle. These are free unmentored online courses, which are currently available for enrolment:

Croatian Open Science Cloud (HR-OOZ)

SRCE is coordinating activities of the Croatian Cloud for Open Science and provides support for the inclusion of services in the Catalogue of HR-OOZ- and EOSC services and resources. The HR-OOZ sets an organizational and technological environment that encourages and enables open science, providing the resources and services needed for collecting, processing and storing data, and for sustainable access, reuse, and sharing of research data in the Republic of Croatia.

The HR-OOZ Initiative’s aim is to build a modern, high-quality, internationally relevant and competitive science environment in Croatia based on the principles of open science that are aligned and connected with the European research area and relevant European initiatives.

More info on HR-OOZ.

Croatian RDA node

The national Research Data Alliance (RDA) node was established in SRCE, which provides support in building a sustainable and reliable national infrastructure for research data aligned with the FAIR principles, promotes raising awareness of the benefits of sharing research data, and conducts training of librarians and researchers. The Croatian RDA node is working on building a network of so-called data stewards, relying on institutional repository managers who primarily come from libraries, with the purpose of promoting open data sharing and providing support to researchers in managing research data. 

As part of the activities of the Croatian RDA node, RDA recommendations and results such as repository certification (Core Trust Seal) were promoted, as well as an adapted document 23 Guidelines was published: support for research data management, promotion of the book on research data management Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook and the importance of data policies for journals with the application of the FAIR principles. Furthermore, the methods and importance of proper citation of research data were also promoted, as well as the management of all phases of the life cycle of research data, which includes the creation of a data management plan, naming, versioning and organization of data, creation of supporting documentation and metadata description of data, publication and work with personal and sensitive data, and permanent storage of research data.

events to encourage and promote open science
participants in events