From the academic year 2023/2024, all public higher education institutions can use the Turnitin software to verify the authenticity of their papers. In the academic year 2024/2025, the Turnitin software for verifying the authenticity of their papers include an AI plugin.
The licenses enable an unlimited number of checks for each of the enrolled students, and the checks (from seminar to final and doctoral) can be performed by teachers and students, i.e. non-teaching staff, in accordance with the procedures and needs of the higher education institution. Information on the use at a particular higher education institution can be obtained from the designated administrator of the institution for the selected software.
Turnitin access link for the purpose of checking student papers (from seminar to final and doctoral theses)
Software for checking the authenticity of papers helps in making a judgement about the originality of the text by comparing it with numerous external sources (Internet sources, scientific and professional articles from selected commercial databases and journals, documents published in open access, database of works stored using the selected software) with the possibility of including your own documents. The decision on whether a certain document contains plagiarized parts is made by the user, after analysing the report generated by the software.