Digital tools

Videoconferencing platform - eduMeet

eduMeet is an open-source software developed by the GEANT community. It is based on real time communication in a web browser (WebRTC - Web Real-Time Communication standard), therefore its main advantage is that it does not require any additional software installation.

The eduMeet system is intended primarily for holding online meetings with a smaller number of participants (up to 50) when recording is not required.


The service is primarily meant to address the use cases of transferring of large files such as data collected in research projects, sharing of multimedia content and cases where traditional file sending methods and software (such as e-mail attachments or FTP) have failed.

Since the service only keeps temporary copies of the file in transit, it is not intended for the exchange of files that should be permanently available.


When creating a questionnaire, the user first enters the name and basic information about the questionnaire, then defines the group and finally inserts the questions in that group. The user has a choice of twenty different types of questions with the help of which he can collect answers from the participants. It is possible to choose between simple YES/NO queries, questions with multiple choice of answers and all the way to complex tables (boxes) for insertion of answers.

Distribution of Microsoft products

that are procured by Ministry of Science, Education and Youth for the needs of the A&R community

SRCE's Distribution Center for Microsoft products provides institutions from the scientific and higher education system with efficient and quality use of available Microsoft products.

Users of the Distribution Center are institutions from the scientific and higher education system, which have the right to use Microsoft products based on the contract between the Ministry of Science and Technology and Microsoft.

Regular activities of Distribution Center include: